What is a Noh Theater?

What is a Noh Theater?


What is a Noh theater?

A Noh theater is a special venue for performing Nohgaku, a traditional Japanese stage art, which includes Noh and Kyogen. Its unique structure and atmosphere lead you deeper into the world of Nohgaku.

What are the features of a Noh theater?

What are the features of a Noh theater? Noh theaters are special theaters for performing the traditional Japanese art of Nohgaku. There is no curtain separating the audience and the stage, and the stage is open with only a roof. This is because Nohgaku was originally performed outdoors.

In the era when Nohgaku was created, there were no microphones or spotlights. So, some Noh theaters still use the same stage effects as in the past. For example, under the stage, there is a special large jar to enhance the sound. Also, the lighting is mostly natural light without artificial lighting effects. The charm of Noh theaters is that the audience can feel the performers’ movements and breathing up close.

In addition to performances, Noh theaters also offer lectures and hands-on programs to help people experience traditional arts up close.

Let’s Visit the Noh Theater

At the Noh Theater, you can enjoy not only performances but also rehearsals and experience programs. It’s a great opportunity to explore the charm of traditional arts. Feel free to visit and experience the world of Noh for yourself.


For those who want to learn more about the structure of the Noh theater stage, click/tap this image!

委託:令和5年度日本博 2.0 事業(委託型)
